Hi. My name is Chris Cowan.

I pretty much pose like this 24/7
I am the fourth of eight children. My dad has been a pastor for around 40 years and is one of the best examples I have of being a godly man, and has been described by a friend as being the nicest person he’d ever met. My mom is also the most hospitable person you will ever meet. They currently travel throughout the year, assisting churches through transitions, or covering for pastors and missionaries who need some rest.
I met my wife when we were both 16. She is one of the most incredible, beautiful people I’ve ever met, and is my best friend, too. She is genuinely funny and constantly makes me laugh. I think we balance each other out very well.

This couple… is not so balanced.
Together, we made 3 babies –all boys!
Hunter was born first, in 2009. He has pachygyria, which has caused him to be severely physically and mentally disabled. He is also one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet, and loves to laugh.
Hunter’s twin brother, Mason, showed up shortly after. He is incredibly smart, and has a knack for drawing and a keen interest in electronics. Not sure where he gets it.
Connor is the youngest, joining us in 2012. He is sweet, cuddly, and enjoys roughhousing.

This is apparently what my beautiful family would look like if I were dead.
I am a follower of Christ. This is something I try to make known by my actions as well as my words. I believe my relationship with God has grown significantly, but I’m also very aware that I have a long way to go. But, hey, knowing is half the battle.

Don’t get me wrong… I’m still pretty much the most humble person I know.
I have the blessing of working from home for a major corporation, managing a team of individuals who provide customer support for said corporation. I’m fortunate to have an enjoyable job that I can do from home.

“I understand you have a defective robot that ripped the heads off of your loved ones. How ’bout we give you a $25 coupon towards your next purchase?”
If you know me, you probably know that I have a few other websites featuring some of my creative endeavors. For me, creativity is my passion. Any opportunity I have to either express creativity or collaborate with creative people is an opportunity I try to take.
My creative outlets include drawing comics, singing, writing, podcasting, various attempts at humor and pretty much every aspect of video production. And, to top it all off, I’m not even appreciated in my own time.
Madcowan.com was a gift from my oldest brother, Micah. He had already taught me some basic HTML, and I had already spent some time experimenting with WYSIWYG web design software. On my 18th birthday, he bought me the domain name, and let me borrow some space on a web host he was using. I have since used the space in a variety of ways, but as I branched off into separate websites for specific creative collaborations, madcowan.com became more of a hub to point to those other websites. In it’s current, WordPress-based iteration, I intend to continue using it as a springboard to my other projects, but since those projects tend to be collaborations rather than independent creations, this site will be the place for the stuff that’s just me: my thoughts, my creations, my adventures, my failed attempts at humor.
Hope you enjoy it!
And if you’d like a more… systematic description of me, you can check out my Facebook profile.